Name Puns and Funny Name Tags

Ultimate Name Pun & Pun Site
Name Puns beginning with F


Hyphenated Name Generator

 If you enjoy name puns or puns in general, you will love this site.

We've all seen the humorous wedding announcements on late night TV's "funny headlines shows.

So, is that all there is?

We think NOT!

For most of us it is hard enough to find the perfect partner in life. For some people, there are additional obstacles to overcome. Many women, especially professionals, wish to maintain their original identity after marriage, so they use hyphenated names to accomplish this.

While this might work for most women, for some it severely limits their choices. Case in point.... consider Anita Long. One night she realizes that if she marries her current partner, Hector Cruz, her new business cards will read

Anita Long-Cruz
So she decides to make a list for future reference of names to watch out for. It only takes minutes for her to come up with:

Anita Long-Carr
Anita Long-Bush
Anita Long-Stein
Anita Long-Johnson
Anita Long-Dix
Anita Long-Lay
Anita Long-Eaton
Is she alone? Not even close. We created the 'hyphenated name generator'. It takes real names, verified with phone listing websites, and combines them for thousands of uniquely humorous combinations.

 Click the "Next" arrow to go to our hyphenated name generator.

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